Part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

St Benet Biscop Catholic Academy take seriously our responsibility to help prepare our students for life after school. We pride ourselves on providing professional careers advice to ensure that our students secure a progression route that will help them achieve their ambitions and potential.
We deliver a programme planned programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). This programme of activities includes developing aspirations which begins in Year 7 moving through to supporting option choices for Key Stage 4 and 5. Alongside making informed choices Post 16 and exposing students to work related learning opportunities in and outside of school.
Throughout our students' careers education, we aim to help students recognise the link between their learning habits of making connections, breaking ideas and problems down, synthesising new information, connecting with others, recognising and responding to uncertainty and ambiguity as the innate employability value of all their subjects within school and education preparing them for their future careers.
With the support of our enterprise advisor, professional qualified staff, universities, further education colleges, training providers and employers, we provide a range of experiences and information sessions to help students to understand their career options and potential opportunities available to them.
Our careers programme provides opportunities for Year 10 and 12 to take part in work experience and a wide range working with universities, visit university and colleges for tasters and ‘Meet the Employer’ sessions. Every student in St Benet Biscop will engage with an external visitor at least once in each year of the time at St Benet Biscop.
Find our Careers Programme here
Our Careers Leader is Ruth Finn, supported by Lesley Poulter (SLT Link). If you need to contact one of our careers leaders, please do so on 01670 822795.
North East Local Enterprise Partnership
We are proud to be a part of the North East Local Enterprise Partnerships as a Careers Hub School.
We work closely with universities in the North East of which Newcastle University is the lead partner institution for the North East Uni Connect Programme (previously NECOP). The North East Uni Connect Programme is a collaboration of all the universities, further education colleges in the North East region. Through North East Uni Connect we link with FutureMe.
FutureMe is the programme of activity being offered to students by North East Uni Connect. We work together to support our students think about their futures and how higher education can help them reach their goals.
Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge
We have a programme of support planned with the Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge (ASK) providers to develop students apprenticeship knowledge and applications.
Newcastle United Foundation
The Newcastle United Foundation provision through NU Futures is a key partner in our taught careers programme delivering careers and employability sessions to students from Year 7 through to Year 10.