Part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

All students select their Options by choosing 3 subjects. The combination of subjects students choose differs slightly depending upon which Options Pathway they follow. Some students are advised to choose 2 EBACC subjects and then have free choice with their third option, whereas others are advised to choose 1 EBACC subject with 2 free choices.
Over the coming weeks we will be carrying out the Options process with all students in Year 9 to establish the courses which each student wishes to follow in Years 10 and 11. Each student will be required to choose 3 option subjects to study alongside the core curriculum.
Further information about the process as well as details about all courses offered can be found in the Year 9 Options Subject Information Booklet which can be viewed by following the link below:
Year 9 Options Subject Information Booklet for Courses Starting September 2024
We have decided not to issue paper copies of the booklet this year as part of the school’s effort to reduce our impact on the environment. However, if you would prefer a paper copy please contact the school and one will be issued.
As further support for the Year 9 Options process we have created a ‘Year 9 Options’ tile on Microsoft Teams. This portal allows students to access a presentation with explanatory audio which gives an overview of the Options process as well as a presentation with explanatory audio for each subject offered. These were recorded by Subject Leaders and aim to explain the outline the curriculum and explain the assessment model for each subject. These presentations can be accessed by students logging in to Microsoft Teams as normal, selecting the ‘Year 9 Options’ tile and then selecting Files in the menu at the top. There are 20 presentations available in total numbered 01 to 20.
Students will select their Options via an online form, a link to the relevant form will be included in each students' personalised Options letter. If you require the link to access the form, please contact school.
The form must be completed by no later than Friday 08 March 2024 but it can be completed as soon as students have confirmed their decisions.
A Year 9 Parents' Evening is planned for Wednesday 31 January 2024, this will give Parents/Carers the opportunity to speak to Subject Teachers for advice and guidance regarding Options Subjects as well as finding out about current achievement, effort and attitude within each subject.
Please note that there is no advantage in submitting the form early as the options data will only be reviewed once the submission deadline has passed. While we endeavour to ensure that every student gets the choice that they want, some courses offered do have restricted numbers. However, be assured that students will have a programme of study which is appropriate to their needs.
You will receive a letter in the Summer Term confirming the Option Choices.
Additional Information
Most Key Stage 4 courses currently offer a pathway for progression in to Sixth Form. However, the curriculum is reviewed annually so progression is not guaranteed. The courses offered in the Options process will only run if they are selected by a viable number of students.
If you have any queries regarding Options or the Options process, please contact Mr Smailes at:
Telephone - 01670 822795
Email - SmailesR@stbb.org.uk