Part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

Our 2024-25 Admissions Policy can be found here
Our 2025-26 Admissions Policy can be found here
12 September 2024 - Application process opens for 2024/25.
31 October 2024 - Closing date for applications to be received by the Local Authority.
03 March 2025 - National Offer Day
The School Admissions Appeal Code requires the School Admission Authority to publish a timetable for organising and hearing admission appeals. Parents/carers have a statutory right of appeal against a decision of the Admission Authority not to admit their child to St Benet Biscop Catholic Academy.
Appeals will be heard by an independent Appeal Panel. Panel Members are trained to hear admission appeals and are independent of the school and the Local Authority. The Appeals Panel will include a person with experience of education, a lay person, and one member of the Panel will be an experienced Chair.
An independent Clerk will ensure that the correct procedures are followed at the Hearing and provide legal advice where required The Appeal Panel will meet in accordance with the statutory process outlined in the relevant legislation to consider representations submitted by the parent/guardian and by the Admission Authority and will make an informed decision based on the information submitted. Parents/guardians and school representatives will be invited to be present at the Hearing to present their case to the Panel.
If a parent/guardian does not wish to attend the Hearing in person, the Panel will make a decision based on their written submission.
Timeline for Appeals
03 March 2025 - National Offer Day
07 April 2025 - Deadline for Submission of Appeals, including any supporting evidence
27 June 2025 - All on time Appeals to be heard by this date
Any appeal submitted after the deadlines should be heard within 40 school days from the relevant deadline, where possible, or within 30 school days of being lodged.
Any appeals for in-year admissions must be heard within 30 school days of being lodged.
Appellants will receive at least 10 school days’ notice of an appeal hearing.
Appellants will receive decision letters within 5 school days of the hearing, wherever possible.
For more information on Appeals, please refer to the Admissions Policy, or the Northumberland County Council Website.
A copy of the relevant Appeals form can be found here