Part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

At St Benet Biscop, we believe it is vital that we are regularly assessing the progress students are making, in relation to the curriculum that has been set.
In school, we regularly use:
Formative Assessment
This form of assessment is regular and ongoing in lessons.
Teachers will regularly review student work, and student responses to gauge their level of understanding. In order to do this, regularly in lessons teachers will:
Plan starter activities that require students to recall previously taught knowledge
Question students to elicit understanding
Review the work students are producing in lessons
Plan low-stakes quizzes to review what has been understood
Set topic tests to assess understanding
Set key pieces of work, like extended responses, essays or ‘mini-assessments’
Set homework that requires the students to consolidate their understanding or prepare for upcoming learning, that will then be followed up in lessons
Teachers use this assessment to:
Affirm students in their understanding
Correct students by picking up on any misconceptions or errors
Adapt the curriculum where necessary, and adjust what is to be taught in lessons, if adaptations are needed to secure knowledge and understanding.
Teachers regularly provide feedback to students on their work, in line with our school marking policy.
Summative Assessment
This assessment is the substantial ‘testing’ of students at key points in the curriculum.
Students will be assessed in a way that is fitting to the subject being taught, given that some subjects have very different demands to others. This might be a performance in Drama, or a substantial essay in History. The nature of the assessments is determined by Heads of Department, who are all subject specialists.
Students will sit 3 substantial summative assessments over the course of the academic year.
These assessments will assess the content of the curriculum that students have been taught.
Students will be given ample time to prepare for the assessments, and guidance on what and how to revise.
The assessments are marked in a way that are relevant to the subject. In a number of subjects, this will be using a raw mark or a percentage. For some subjects, it might be that marks are awarded as Distinction, Merit, Pass.
Students will receive feedback on how they have achieved in the assessment, including an indication of what has been securely understood, and what areas need to be developed.
Teachers use assessment to review what aspects of the curriculum students have clearly learnt, understood and remembered. Where they recognise common misconceptions, teachers will support students by adapting the curriculum to help secure students’ knowledge. Teachers will also review individual performance and, where it is necessary, they will implement specific support and guidance for individual students.
Subject Leaders also review summative assessment performance, in relation to the curriculum and consider what aspects of the curriculum might need revisiting to help secure students’ understanding.
Reporting to Parents
We believe it is imperative that parents are kept informed of the progress their child is making against the curriculum.
Therefore, at 3 key points in the year, we provide parents with a progress report that outlines key information.
Key Stage 3
Parents are informed of the progress their child is making using a 5 points scale, as well as the point that students should be aiming for, based on their prior achievement at primary school.
This 5 point scale is:
Developing – Working at a level that is significantly below age-related expectations.
Approaching – Working at a level that is below age-related expectations
Securing – Working at a level that is in-line with age-related expectations
Extending – Working at a level that is above age-related expectations
Mastering – Working at a level that is significantly above age-related expectations
Parents and carers are informed of the level of effort for their child in each subject.
Key Stage 4 and 5
Parents and carers are informed of their child’s target GCSE / BTEC / A-Level grade
Parents and carers are informed of their child’s current predicted grade, drawing on both formative and summative assessments to reach this judgement.
Parents and carers are informed of their child’s mock exam results.
Parents and carers are informed of the level of effort of their child in each subject
Parents are invited to parents’ evenings to discuss their child’s progress and achievement. Following consultation with parents in the academic year 2021-2022, these parents’ evenings take place on the online platform, School Cloud.