Part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust


We want you to be the best that you can be in and out of the classroom. That’s why all students in St Benet Biscop Sixth Form get involved and complement their academic studies by taking advantage of some form of enrichment activity. Please refer to our latest prospectus or talk to present Sixth Formers at our open evening about our opportunities.
You can choose from various activities such as helping with team sports, the Year 12 enterprise project, individual work experience, take part in the school show or open mic nights, join the student magazine, peer mentor, organise the Senior Citizen’s Christmas party to name but a few. Or come up with your own idea! Some activities will support University applications; others will allow you to broaden your horizons.
Some reasons why enrichment and extra-curricular activities will help you:
If you have given up your time, taken part and share your journey you will impress University Admissions Tutors and apprenticeship providers
Stand out from the crowd and enhance job applications
Gain your work experience to suit your career aspirations — essential for careers like nursing and teaching
Try something new!
Build your confidence and get a sense of achievement
Make even more friends!
Please find some useful supported progression guidance here.